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When buying a juicer, make sure that the appliance can be dismantled - otherwise cleaning can be tedious

Juice Made Easy Tips for Finding the Ideal Juicer

Whether a centrifugal juicer or a slow juicer, each device has advantages and disadvantages. myHOMEBOOK gives tips on making a choice.
Sometimes you only need a small piece of the butter, but what do you do with the rest?

Household Can You Actually Freeze Butter?

Can you extend the shelf life of butter by freezing it? myHOMEBOOK gives tips on how to store and defrost butter correctly.
Sometimes there is more cheese left over after a party than you can eat. Can you freeze it?

Gouda, Mozzarella, Cream Cheese, and co. Can You Actually Freeze Cheese?

Sometimes there is too much cheese left over after a party to eat. myHOMEBOOK explains whether you can freeze cheese.
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