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6 Common Mistakes When Setting Up a Television

Error setting up television
Some mistakes can be made when setting up the TV set — for example, hanging the TV too high or too far away Photo: Getty Images

February 28, 2025, 2:24 pm | Read time: 4 minutes

Even if there are now many alternatives to the classic TV, for many people, a TV is still simply part of the living room. However, there are a few mistakes that are often made when setting up the appliance. You can read about them here.

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If you set up a Television in the living room or in another room, the main aim is, of course, to be able to watch TV properly. To achieve this, a number of parameters must be right and taken into account before setting up. But that is not the only important thing. It’s also about the aesthetics. The large black surface usually doesn’t necessarily match the rest of the furniture — so you should also keep the visual aspect in mind. To ensure that you end up with a good TV experience and that it also looks good, you should avoid the following six mistakes when setting up a TV in your home.

Mistake 1: Setting Up the TV Without a Plan

Should the TV hang on the wall or stand on a sideboard? You should ask yourself these questions before you set up your TV. It’s quite possible that you have an exact spot in mind where you want to place the it — but in the end, it won’t fit because the couch can’t be placed there. Especially in small rooms, you are not quite as flexible when it comes to choosing a place and should therefore make this decision in advance.

Mistake 2: Ignoring Cables and Connections

Another mistake when setting up the TV is not thinking about the connections and cables beforehand. If the connection is exactly in the other corner of the room, cables have to be laid crosswise. If this works, you still need to make sure that no tangled cables are sticking out from behind the TV. This will only cause unnecessary clutter and make the room look untidy.

Mistake 3: Not Keeping Distances

Not necessarily an aesthetic issue, but still a problem, is the distance between the TV and the couch. If you sit too close or too far away, the viewing experience can be impaired. Depending on how big the TV is, the sofa must also be placed at a certain distance.

Mistake 4: Ignoring the Correct Height

Mistakes are often made when setting up the TV, not only regarding the correct distance but also in height. If the TV is mounted too high, you’ll have to tilt your head back uncomfortably to see the screen. If it is too low, it is also not ideal. The best thing to do is sit on the sofa or armchair, see where your eyes are, and then hang the TV in that position.

Mistake 5: Setting Up the TV in Front of a Window

Placing a TV directly in front of a window is not ideal for several reasons. Firstly, you will be dazzled while watching – regardless of whether the sun is shining directly in or not. The only remedy in this case would be opaque curtains. Secondly, the view outside is obstructed, and daylight is lost. Even if the room is small, it should definitely be possible to find a place other than in front of the window.

More on the topic

Mistake 6: Hanging over the Fireplace

If you have a fireplace, seating is usually placed in front of it. If there isn’t enough space for another corner with a sofa and TV, some people will think of simply hanging the appliance over the fireplace. However, this is a setup you should definitely avoid. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, soot and smoke are drawn upwards, which is not ideal for the appliance. Secondly, it is probably hanging too high. And there’s no need to mention the aesthetics: A TV above a fireplace ruins the whole atmosphere that such a fireplace exudes.

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