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This Trick Prevents Breakfast Eggs from Cracking While Cooking

How long an egg needs to cook also depends on its size
How long an egg needs to cook also depends on its size Photo: GettyImages/Oleg Opryshko

February 5, 2025, 4:03 pm | Read time: 5 minutes

Basically, cooking eggs is not rocket science. Nevertheless, there are a few questions: for example, how long do you boil an egg so that the yolk remains runny? And how do you cook eggs without them cracking? myHOMEBOOK knows the answers and reveals them in this article.

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Bread rolls, croissants, jam, different types of cold cuts – everything is actually there. Only the breakfast egg is still missing before you can start your Sunday breakfast. Here are a few tips to stop eggs from cracking during cooking and to get them as soft or hard as you want them to be.

How Long Do You Cook an Egg for?

Depending on whether you prefer a soft or hard egg, you need to cook it for a shorter or longer time – that’s obvious. However, the size of the hen’s egg also plays a role. Eggs in size S reach the final degree of hardness more quickly than eggs in size M or L. In most cases, supermarkets sell medium-sized chicken eggs in M. The following applies to an egg of this size:

  • If you want the yolk to be runny and the egg white slightly runny, you should cook it for about three and a half minutes.
  • From the fifth minute onwards, the yolk is no longer runny but soft.
  • If you want the egg white to be firm but the yolk soft, boil the eggs for nine minutes.
  • M-size eggs will be completely hard if you boil them for eleven minutes.

When Should the Eggs Be Put in the Water?

If you put the eggs straight from the fridge into water, they will take longer to reach the desired consistency. It is, therefore, advisable to take the eggs out of the fridge a while beforehand. When the water in the saucepan is bubbling – i.e., when it boils at 100 degrees Celsius – you can carefully add the eggs with a spoon.

At What Level Do You Cook Eggs?

Of course, you can cook eggs on any setting. However, the medium setting on the hob is most suitable.

Should Eggs Be Quenched Cold After Cooking?

It is said that quenching boiled eggs with cold water helps to peel them. However, this is not true. Nevertheless, it is worth quenching soft-boiled eggs. This prevents the yolk from cooking further.

By the way, if an egg is difficult to peel, this is a reason to be happy. It indicates that it is a fresh egg. Older eggs, on the other hand, are easier to separate from the shell.

How Can You Cook Eggs Without Cracking Them?

If the shell bursts when cooking an egg, this is a drawback in terms of appearance. However, you can eat the eggs even if the shell is no longer intact. The reason for cracking is the difference in temperature between the hen’s egg and the water. The resulting pressure causes the shell to give way and crack.

You can prevent this by heating the egg together with the water, for example. However, you should bear in mind that it is more difficult to estimate how long the egg needs to reach the desired consistency. Another option is to add a little vinegar or salt to the water. This causes the egg white to solidify as soon as it comes into contact with the water. This means that the shell may crack, but you won’t see it. You can also pierce the egg with a needle or an egg piercer before cooking.

More on the topic

How Can You Tell If an Egg Is Still Good?

If the best-before date on the egg carton has already expired, there is no reason to throw the hen’s eggs away. A simple test can be used to check whether the eggs are still good – or already bad. All you need is a glass and water. Place the egg in the glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom, this means that it is a fresh egg. If it sits in the water, it is already a few days old but can be eaten without hesitation. Finally, if the egg floats on the surface, it is old and usually spoiled.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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