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The Right Time to Plant Strawberries in Spring

Planting strawberries in spring
The best time to plant strawberries in spring is between March and April. Photo: Getty Images/Westend61

February 7, 2025, 4:29 pm | Read time: 4 minutes

Strawberries from your own garden are not only particularly aromatic but also comparatively easy to care for – if they are planted at the right time. myHOMEBOOK reveals when this is for which strawberry variety.

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“I’m so wild for your strawberry mouth,” goes a much-quoted poem by Paul Zech from 1930. Strawberries are simply particularly popular here, and in Germany, they are the second most popular fruit in terms of acreage. From May, the red fruits are available in supermarkets and at strawberry-shaped market stalls, and the strawberry season gradually begins in the garden, too. But when is the best time to plant strawberries in spring? Which varieties are most suitable? And what needs to be considered in terms of care?

When Should Strawberries be Planted in SSpring?

The ideal time to plant strawberries is in early to mid-spring. As soon as the soil is frost-free and well-drained, the young strawberry plants can be planted outdoors. In most regions, the period between March and April is best. At this time, the plants have enough time to form strong roots before the warmer temperatures set in and the leaves and flowers get a growth spurt.

It is important that the soil is not too wet so that there is no risk of waterlogging. Loose, well-aerated soil with a high humus content provides optimum conditions for the young plants. If there is a threat of heavy frost, the young plants should be covered with fleece or a tarpaulin. A layer of straw between the plants can also protect them from excessively low temperatures. At the same time, the layer of straw ensures that fewer weeds grow and that the soil can retain moisture better.

Choose the Right Variety

Not all strawberry plants are the same. Depending on the desired harvest time and taste, there are different varieties that are suitable for spring planting:

  • Early-bearing varieties: varieties such as “Clery or Lambada” produce the first sweet fruits as early as May.
  • Medium-early varieties: “Elsanta and Sonata are classics that offer a rich harvest from June.
  • Late-bearing varieties: If you want to enjoy strawberries until late summer, you can opt for varieties such as “Florika.”
  • Everbearing strawberry varieties: These varieties, such as “Mara des Bois,” continue to bear fruit over a longer period of time.

Tips for Planting and Caring for Strawberries

There are a few points to bear in mind to ensure that strawberry plants thrive:

  • Maintain plant spacing: Place the plants about 25-30 cm apart so that they can develop well.
  • The right substrate: Strawberries thrive best in a nutrient-rich tomato or vegetable soil. If you plant them in containers, you should mix expanded clay into the soil to ensure sufficient aeration.
  • Sunny location: Strawberries need plenty of sun to produce aromatic fruit.
  • Don’t forget to mulch: A layer of straw or mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil and suppress weeds. The mulch layer also provides protection against late frost.
  • Water sufficiently: A steady supply of water is crucial, especially during the establishment phase.
  • Fertilize regularly: An organic fertilizer such as compost or special berry fertilizer ensures vigorous plant development.
More on the topic

Conclusion: Plant Strawberries in Good Time for a Long Harvest Period

If you plant your strawberries correctly in spring, you can look forward to a rich harvest from early summer. The right location, variety, and care are the keys to success.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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