February 8, 2025, 10:19 pm | Read time: 3 minutes
Ants can be found in many different places in the garden: in flower pots, under paths and patio slabs, and on the lawn. This is not a problem in itself, as ants are not pests. However, they are still a nuisance. On their way to find food, the insects can easily get lost in your trouser leg. If you want to drive the animals away, you can use simple remedies.
If an ant trail runs through the garden, this potentially indicates an ant problem. This is because the road is used by the insects to carry food from the food source to their burrow. It is best to follow the road to locate the source and, ideally, remove it immediately. myHOMEBOOK explains what options are available to get rid of ants in the garden.
Relocating Ant Colonies
It’s not necessary to kill ants immediately upon discovering them in your garden. Relocating the colony from one place to another may suffice. To do this, take a clay flower pot and water it well. Next, fill the pot with wood wool, straw, or newspaper. A little jam or honey can be applied in between as an attractant. Now, place the flower pot upside down on the nest. Patience is then required. After a few days, all the ants should have moved. The pot can now be lifted with a shovel and moved to a new location.
Get Rid of Ants in the Garden with Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds are a natural ant deterrent. Firstly, the strong smell disturbs their sense of direction, and secondly, coffee grounds can kill ants if they eat them. To use coffee grounds against ants, you first need to collect enough and then let them dry out. The coffee grounds are then sprinkled directly on and around the ant nest. Regular replacement of the coffee grounds is necessary as the scent dissipates.
Note: Don’t worry; the coffee grounds are not harmful to the soil – they even fertilize it.
Using Herbs to Repel Ants
As ants are sensitive to odors, you can combine the useful with the beautiful. Herbs are particularly suitable for preventing ants in the garden. Planting strongly scented herbs in the garden is a simple preventive measure. The selection ranges from mint to lavender or even marjoram. If the ants have already taken up residence, you can place sprigs of herbs along their path.
Take Away the Ants’ Food Source
The cause of an ant infestation is usually a food source. This must be located and sealed off. In most cases, this is an open organic waste garbage can or dog or cat food in the garden. When the food source is eliminated, the ants typically disappear on their own.
Blocking the Path of Ants
If you are only bothered by ants because they occasionally find their way onto the patio, you don’t have to drive them away, move them, or even kill them. Drawing a thick line of chalk can be an effective barrier. Ants cannot cross the chalk as the alkaline talc would block their airways and antennae.

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What You Should Not Use to Control Ants in the Garden
Many online guides, unfortunately, suggest fighting ants in the garden with baking powder, baking soda, or yeast. You shouldn’t do that. The little crawlers eat the products and die in a very gruesome way – they burst!