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logo The DIY portal for home and garden


myHOMEBOOK is a service of Axel Springer SE and was launched in 2019 as an online magazine for home, garden, living and DIY. We report daily – competently, comprehensibly and independently.

Our goal, purpose and claim

myHOMEBOOK aims to provide people with all the information they need for their home – whether they are tenants in a city apartment with a balcony or owners of a detached house with a garden in the countryside. We provide tips for hobby gardeners, present portraits of plants and explain what is important when it comes to lawn care. myHOMEBOOK has a strong seasonal focus: while the garden takes center stage in spring and autumn, the focus is more on indoors in the colder months. You will also find useful household tips and practical DIY instructions all year round to inspire you to try them out. The topic of “sustainability” always plays an overriding role.

myHOMEBOOK is supported by professionals from various fields and trades. Experts report on topics relating to garden design, interior design, architecture or building law in a competent and easy-to-understand manner – either as contact persons for interviews or as authors themselves. We focus on comprehensible, independent and high-quality guidebook journalism.

Our target group

Our readers – regardless of their age group – are interested in topics relating to home, garden, sustainability, household and DIY. They want independent and well-researched information on the relevant areas, which they also get from myHOMEBOOK.

How myHOMEBOOK works: Our guidelines

As part of Axel Springer SE, myHOMEBOOK shares the media company’s overarching editorial guidelines. Further information on the guidelines for journalistic independence at Axel Springer, the International Social Policy and the Code of Conduct can be found here.

Do you have feedback and would like to get in touch with us? Feel free to write to us by e-mail at or

The editorial team behind myHOMEBOOK

Like TRAVELBOOK, TECHBOOK, FITBOOK, STYLEBOOK and PETBOOK, myHOMEBOOK is part of the BOOK family with more than 35 team members.

You can find out more about the editorial core team of myHOMEBOOK here.

Advertising and cooperations

Lydia Rondio, Junior Product & Business Manager
Michael Beck, General Manager Content Verticals

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